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Actions that create value to your social media platforms

Do you want to go beyond simple tallies of likes, and followers?


Allow Advantage Social network to analyze conversion rates, increase your SEO, and boost your bottom-line.

Your company objectives (i.e., brand awareness, profit, consumer satisfaction, etc.) will determine the value after summarizing all of the social media actions, time, money, and resources invested into your platforms. Keep in mind that value is measured in more ways than in dollars and cents. For example, if you are trying to increase brand awareness then perhaps measuring the number of followers, likes, and account reaches is what means most to your business. If you are selling a product or service then success for your business may also include the amount of traffic friven to your website from a promotion, or the number of new contacts you gained over a period of time from new members signing up to recieve email content.


Partnering with ASN will not only help you reach your goals, but we will also help you understand the value of your investments. Please contact us today to learn more.

Tracking ROI and Analytics
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